
What are some mistakes people make when they start learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript?

Using id instead of class names Many beginners are tending to write CSS using id names instead of CSS class names. We should always aim to reuse the code as much as possible. By using id names we are applying styles only to that particular div rather than sharing the styles which are common to div s having the same class name. Do read this article which gives a practical approach to maintainable CSS . Not using CSS shorthand Using CSS shorthand will come as a second nature by practice. Until then we need to force ourselves to write CSS in the right way. While working on a large project, we will notice that by using shorthand properties the number of code lines in CSS file will be reduced reasonably. CSS Measurements 0px is just a 0. There is no need to mention if it is a px or em. Following a standard measurement throughout the project is important. Be it px or rem, it should be followed by all for the project. Using relative values are encouraged more than absolu...

How to show input fields based on dropdown selected options using jQuery

Hide show input fields based on select value Many times, while learning a new technology or a framework, it is not sufficient to read just the documentation and syntax, we need to practice. Many of us may try on our own sometimes things will work out for us sometimes we don't know how to evaluate ourselves. All our recent practice articles were published in that thought of giving readers a practice in jQuery  concepts.  Follow our FB page @CreativeTechnocrayts Other jQuery practice articles 1. jQuery DOM functions and array 2. DOM manipulation in jQuery 3. Daily ui practice - Input range sliders Subscribe to Creative Technocrayts and get updates in front end development and UI / UX. Some of us might run into a problem of  showing input value based on user selecting an option from the dropdown. We can achieve that in many ways.If the user is not selecting a value, the form is incomplete so the user cannot submit the form To check whether the select value is s...

UI practice #4 Checking whether an element is present using jQuery

How to check whether atleast one input is selected using jQuery Sometimes, while working with forms, a user is expected to select atleast one input, or a feedback should be thrown asking them to "Select atleast one input". How to check that using jQuery When a select option is checked checked attribute is added. To check whether the any of it is checked :checked is used in jQuery. If any of the checkbox is having checked attribute, then the user is allowed to submit. How to check whether an element is present To check whether an element is present, 1) size() function is used 2) .length property is used .length is faster than .size() because, former is a property whereas latter is a function. HTML snippet $('#submitBtn').click(function(){ if($('input[type="checkbox"]:checked').length >= 1){ alert("Is checked"); } else{ alert("Select atleast one"); } }); Other jQuery practice art...

UI practice #2 jQuery - DOM functions and array

Creating boxes with repeating background color - jQuery practice This article gives an idea of jQuery and DOM methods and javascript arrays Many of you have tried our previous practice exercise it seems. Jquery array i) When you get an input, you check whether it is validated as a number, ii) Based on the input value, number of boxes is created. iii) Set all the boxes with background colors from an array How to get an input value from textbox var inputValue = $(this).val(); console.log(inputValue); Testing whether the input value is a number For testing whether it is a number, regex pattern is used. if (/^[0-9]$/.test(inputValue)){ console.log("It is a number"); } /^[0-9]$/ :here,[0-9] checks whether it is a number. Note: /^[0-9]{1,2}$/ refers two digits number Creating number of boxes based on input value var section = document.createElement('section'); for (i=0;i<=inputValue-1;i++){ //crea...

Front end development

Wow!! 2018 has been a fantastic year for us, Creative Technocrayts. There has been a satisfying learning curve for us in front end development be it using CSS Flexbox or adapting Google’s AMP in optimisation or designing our websites using Font Awesome 5. We have discussed a lot, thanks to the constant support from the community. We have received both positive feedback and negative criticism as well. Keeping that in mind we strive to improve and learn more and give back to the community. 2018 showed tremendous increasing readership from googleplus community and facebook page apart from Twitter and Linkedin and we are so happy about that. Thank you guys :) Its time for us to look back at this awesome year, 2018!!! Daily UI practice - Range slider and getting the value in jQuery This article, demonstrates how we can style input range, a form elements.It gives you an idea that 1. Input range can be custom styled. 2. Shadow DOM gives selectors to styles input ranges 3. It has trac...

Daily UI practice #1 - Input range slider and populating value in script

Daily UI practice Recently I had some time so checked for latest updates in design from I wanted to practice UI for the day. So I picked up a site from there. The reason I picked up that is i) I wanted to learn something new ii) I wanted to do something which I haven’t done before So the exercise was about, Creating a range slider and getting the value Added box-shadow to jumbotron component. Now placing input range elements inside the component, Following bootstrap 4 documentation I got the above screen as it looked like in bootstrap website. I can’t proceed further as I didn’t have any other elements to style. Then I read few tutorials from What is Shadow DOM? Well, we all know that, when a HTML page is loaded in a browser DOM (Document Object Model) is created. Likewise browsers have capability to create sub tree to the already created DOM elements.   Now we have got two components and customize the styles. They are 1. Trac...

jQuery practice #3 - DOM manipulation

jQuery is a Javascript framework. When do we use Javascript, jQuery, jQuery UI . DOM Manipulation in jQuery What jQuery does? jQuery is a javascript library, a) access parts of a page b) Modify the apperance of the page c) Alter the content of the page d) Respond to users's iteraction with page e) Add animation to a page Manipulating DOM with jQuery methods 1. To insert new elements inside every method elements, use a) .append() b) .appendTo() c) .prependTo() d) .prepend() Example for .prepend() in jQuery HTML <div class="productsContent one-box"> <div class="box"> <h4> Loreum ipsum1</h4> <p> Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit... </p> </div> </div> Prepending an element using jQuery $('.productsContent').prepend('November,2018'); New DOM <div class="productsContent one-box"><span>November,2018...