UI practice #4 Checking whether an element is present using jQuery

How to check whether atleast one input is selected using jQuery Sometimes, while working with forms, a user is expected to select atleast one input, or a feedback should be thrown asking them to "Select atleast one input". How to check that using jQuery When a select option is checked checked attribute is added. To check whether the any of it is checked :checked is used in jQuery. If any of the checkbox is having checked attribute, then the user is allowed to submit. How to check whether an element is present To check whether an element is present, 1) size() function is used 2) .length property is used .length is faster than .size() because, former is a property whereas latter is a function. HTML snippet $('#submitBtn').click(function(){ if($('input[type="checkbox"]:checked').length >= 1){ alert("Is checked"); } else{ alert("Select atleast one"); } }); Other jQuery practice art...