Flexbox CSS justify-content:space-*

Flexbox CSS justify-content:space-* Flexbox layout and its properties are a set of properties which helps to align flex-items in a container. As we have discussed in detail in our previous articles i) flexbox is a set of properties ii) it helps to align grid elements in a container in may ways iii) it also helps to realign the way it is arranged in a mobile or responsive screen without writing too much of code. Justify-content Justify-content is the property provided by flexbox concept which works like text-align property. Justify -around takes up the following values justify-content: center | flex-start | flex-end | space-around | space-between | space-evenly justify-content: space-* justify-content: space-* helps us to align flex-items horizontally between the flex-container. In other words, it deals with the horizontal alignment within the container justify-content: space-around space-around helps us to align items in such a way that items have equal spa...