Google's Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) HTML

You may read the previous article What is Responsive web design? Like Mobile usability , mobile performance also matters when it comes to appear first in Google search results. Page speed is important Google has announced that from July 2018, Page speed as mobile ranking factor. The announcement has been come in advance so that website owners can revamp their sites accordingly and make sure that their website is performing well. Google business logic behind AMP There are many ad-blockers in usage and many potential players switch from website to web apps. So web advertising revenue of Google might be at threat. So AMP is devised so ads are integral part of the HTML itself. Nowadays, people use apps to search content and apps are comparatively performing faster to web . Google’s main business is based on crawling and indexing of websites and searching content from web and producing it in a readable format. It is also noted that web pages have a drawback of loading speed. Since ap...